Online shop for local florists
We now offer wholesale flowers to Colorado florists from May to October through our online shop! The online shop is the most direct way to purchase our locally-grown flowers and the list changes on a weekly basis. Contact us if you would like to join our florist network. Professional florists with a resale license and tax ID will receive our store password to start shopping. Please take a moment to read all about our wholesale process before you shop.
Welcome and thank you for supporting your local flower farm! There are many benefits to sourcing from local farms. We appreciate your business and we want to do all we can to make the process of buying local flowers as efficient as possible.
Everything offered through our wholesale shop is grown on our farm in Frederick, Colorado. We focus on quality and regenerative growing practices and bring you flowers that reflect the beauty of the season. Our goal is to provide Colorado florists with the best from our fields every week.
How to Works
Every Saturday evening we will update the shop with our availability for the coming week. We send an email notification to our florist network once the shop has been updated. We restock our shop mid-week if we have extra flowers to offer. To shop, simply fill your cart with your desired order and checkout.
How to Get Your Flowers
Our flowers are available for local delivery or pick-up only. We harvest specifically to fill each order, so please shop at least 24 hours in advance of your requested delivery or pick-up time. We offer delivery on Thursdays only at this time. Our delivery fee is $15 within a 20 mile radius of the farm. Pick-up is available free of charge at our farm in Frederick most days and times; just give us your preferred window.
More Options
Interested in pre-ordering flowers or delivery on an off-day? Contact us and we will do our best to work with you.