Who We Are
We are the Linnemeyer Family and are so glad that you you found us! It has always been a dream of ours to own a farm and teach our children where food really comes from. We also love opening our home to friends and family, and have always felt led to have open doors and extra seats at the table.
And thus Wozani Farm was born. Wozani is Zulu for "come" or "to come" which is exactly what we wanted the farm to be--a place for people to gather. We have many dreams for the farm and can't wait to share them all with you in the coming years.
Liz is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and believes that good health is centered around a plant based diet. Perfect segue into why growing our own food, and teaching our kids how to grow their own food is so important to us. She also loves flowers! All sorts of flowers! And loves to grow so many--situated around meandering paths for guests to enjoy.
Rainer is a Family Nurse Practitioner during the week, and an aspiring organic farmer in his off time. He has learned through his studies the importance of a plant centered diet, especially when combating chronic disease. Did I mention that he loves his chickens? He calls them his lovely lady lumps. He also watches over all our livestock including the pigs, sheep and llama.
The rug rats in the picture are our amazing children: Willa, Harrison and Margot. What can we say, a picture is worth a thousand words.